There are many factors that go into pricing your custom tape project.  Below is a summary of the process so you know exactly what to expect.

Tape Type

Every type of tape has a specific cost per square yard associated to it.  This is the base to every price quote that we make.  The price per square yard can be drastically different between tapes and is the single biggest factor that makes up the final price of your product.


Each project will have a labor component to it.  This is the cost associated with taking a master log of tape and converting it down to your finished product specifications.  This includes anything special we are doing in the process like a custom width, length, die cuts, embossing, creating a new product, liner printing and packaging.


We have the capability to do many different packaging solutions.  These include custom labels, clamshells, shrink wrap, sleeves, and printed bags.  Each packaging solution will have a cost associated with it as well as the labor cost to assemble the final product.


If you are needing custom labels or packaging, we have an in-house design team that can design your packaging for an additional fee.

There are many factors that go into quoting a custom tape project.  That is why we gather as much information from you as possible to make sure we understand your needs completely and can give you the very best price.  If you have any questions about our quoting process, please feel free to contact us.

How to Get The Most Accurate Quote

Getting an accurate quote is important. There’s nothing more frustrating when working on a project than getting a quote and then meeting with someone and finding out the quote was way off. The best way to ensure an accurate quote is by filling out the form thoroughly. To help you do so, let’s go through…

LEARN MORE about How to Get The Most Accurate Quote